It took a trip to Target for me to see how much Adelaide has grown up over the past couple of months.
When we got there, I had Adelaide stand outside the car while I put on my bag and locked the car. She did. She just stood there.
Then she walked holding my hand up to the front of the store. She held my hand when I asked her to and kept holding it until I told her it was OK to stop.
When we were walking up to the store she started shouting "ball." She loves Target because of all the red "balls" out front. I think they are made as barricades or something but they are just balls to her. She walked up to every one of them and said "ball." She also stayed on the sidewalk while doing it, and she didn't fall or trip the whole time.
Then when we went inside she said "cart." I don't know when she learned that.
I proceeded to look at purses. She kept saying "bag" in that section. I moved on to wallets (since I lost mine this summer) and wasn't paying any attention to Adelaide's words but when she got more insistent I noticed she was saying "hat." Sure enough there were hats on the next row.
In the diaper section she kept saying "baby" because of all the pictures on the packaging. When I picked out a new sippy cup for her she said "cup" and "wawa."
In the toy section she kept saying "ball" and then at the end of the rows in the bike section she said "bike" or "big bike."
On the cat food aisle, it was "kitty cat."
We went to eat lunch at the new Spicy Pickle restaurant after that. The Spicy Pickle is awesome BTW. They have great service (at the one here in Cedar Park) and I ate for free with a coupon I got in the mail! When they didn't have the soup I ordered for Adelaide, they threw in a cookie for free too.
At lunch we sat outside by the front door (I'm trying to get Adelaide in the bright sun as much as possible during the day. They say it helps with the night/day jetlag confusion). Adelaide said hi and bye to everyone that came in. She said "momo" when she saw a motorcycle and "car" when she saw a car. Midway through lunch she started pointing at a poster behind me and saying "hat." I turned around and sure enough the guy on the poster was wearing a hat.
When we got in the car, she said "hot" and it sure was hot in there.
Then while I was in her room getting her ready for her nap, she went and sat in her rocking chair and said "rock." Then she pointed at my rocking chair and said "rock," instructing me to sit there and rock. She loves it when we rock together in our chairs. She got up and brought me a book and said "book" and went and sat back down. I read her a book and she brought me another one.
When she got up from her nap she worked on a puzzle. Before we left she struggled with it. Now she knows right where the pieces go even though she may not get them in there perfectly.
And that's just the stuff I noticed in one day, in a few hours really. They do grow up fast.