I'm really stinking at posting regularly on my blog here lately as my mom kindly points out to me. So I'm going to try and catch up some.
We've had alot going on. I've had a cold now for a week and a half. I don't remember the last time I was sick before this. It had to be years ago, but this cold is killer. I've had coughing, snottiness, congestion, headaches, and even stopped up ears. I haven't really felt like doing much recently so the things that get done are diaper changes, meal times, and whatever else seems absolutely necessary.
Rocky's going to be traveling alot in the next month. He's already been working alot which is always hard on us. Adelaide used to ask everyday, "where daddy?" Now she just says, "Daddy works." Rocky leaves out on Thursday for a whirlwind trip to Rome, Mexico City, and Chicago. He'll be missing Adelaide's second halloween; he missed her first last year traveling as well. Then he's back for 2 weeks and leaves again for New Zealand for 2 weeks. That trip will be the longest he's ever been away from me since we've been married AND it will be over Thanksgiving! I'm going to try to be strong, but I've never been very good at that.
Adelaide is growing up like crazy, not so much physically as developmentally. Everyday I'm struck by how well she is able to communicate with me. Like yesterday she brought her slippers to me, pointed to the inside, and said "sticker off please. i don't like it." She meant that she wanted the tags cut off the slippers, that they were bothering her. Today we went to the library to watch a fall themed puppet show. I was a little worried Adelaide wouldn't sit for the entire time but she was so interested she sat still taking it all in. Afterwards she talked about it for a long time, "puppets. ghost. pumpkins." As soon as she woke up the first thing she said was "pumpkins."
More posts to come. We just went on another camping trip with our church this past weekend and the weekend before we were in NYC visiting friends. Here's some random photos from the last few weeks.
Adelaide riding in the Bronco. She LOVES it so much. Sometimes she refuses to get her arms out of the straps and says more over and over when we stop.
Feeding her sock monkey some dinner.
Putting her doll on the potty.
Sitting on the potty herself watching her potty video. We aren't really actively training yet but she's still been really interested recently. We plan on trying in December when things settle down a bit.
And of course letting her reindeer drink out of her potty.
A few weekends ago we took Adelaide to the Cedar Rock train. She loved it so much.
At some friends' kids birthday party at Champion Park.
I love this video. She loves the Bronco, and I love how cute her talking is these days. Here's the translation.
A: bronco. bronco.
S: the bronco?
A: yeah.
S: we're gonna go ride in the bronco?
A: yeah.
S: are you excited?
A: excited.
S: is it going to be alot of fun?
A: fun. alot of fun.
S: do you like the bronco?
A: like bronco.