I want to do a quick update though it will be far from thorough and hopefully help all you wonderful friends and family caught up a bit.
Well, first things first, we will be moving in less than 2 weeks! Yes, you read that right. We have been wanting to move closer in to Austin for awhile now and we finally are. We want to be closer to our church community as well as closer to where Rocky drives everyday for work. We are super excited (and nervous all at the same time). The house is only about a mile from downtown in East Austin. The house is a little bigger and very close to great friends.

Big things have been happening with the kids as well. Abe is now 8 months old. The last 2 months have been the biggest as far as milestones in his life. He is finally sleeping through the night! Rocky and I are now much happier because of it. He is eating solids well now and not nearly as picky as he used to be. He has been able to sit up on his own for about a month or so now which we were beginning to think he may never do. He has 2 teeth now, and he is truly mobile and into everything. He seems to be able to find cords wherever he is.
The biggest news in Adelaide's life is that she is (knock on wood) pretty much potty trained. This is almost a year after her first successful attempt. It has been a very long road, but like everyone says, working on it doesn't matter at all until they are ready. Unfortunately she kept changing her mind about being ready. It may sound silly, but please pray for no regression this go 'round. It is much nicer at this age. She can go all by herself-- pull down pants and panties, go (though I help her wipe), she pulls everything back on, dumps her stuff in the potty, and can even pull her stool up to the sink and wash her hands. She is still having about one accident every other day, but other than that she'll stop whatever she's in the middle of to go potty. At a party a few days ago, she couldn't find us but found a good friend of ours and asked her to bring her to the potty. She will go in the middle of playing, watching TV, etc. I feel so encouraged that she truly is doing it all herself and initiating herself. The last few times she was "successful" it was because I would make her go every hour. It seemed to stress her out. It's nice that she is thinking of it all on her own. Once she is completely accident free for 5 days in a row, she is going to have a Princess Party. She has it all planned out and is excited. Rocky is being super strict about what "accident free" means. One day she only had a little pee in her pull up, so little pee that the symbols on the front didn't even disappear (you know what I mean if you have toddlers I'm sure). Rocky still wouldn't count it as accident free. I guess I see his point. It is a whole party. Anyway, I'm excited.
Here's some recent pictures:

Those are great Jesse Tree ornaments! Way to go. I'm still out of steam to officially finish mine...
Um, by the way, my word verification for this comment is "sp3rm" - with an 'e' instead of the '3.' Seriously. :)
Great update, Sunee! I hear you on the potty trials. We had a very similar experience with Megan, and with Kathryn, she trained herself. The boys weren't quite as straightforward, but it was definitely easier than the first child!
I love your updates, and your new house looks GREAT!!!! How exciting! Can't believe you are undertaking such a big project with an 8mo old, but....you GO GIRL!
Thanks for the info on the roomba. I looked it up and it does look good...and was not listed on the website. We'll have to investigate. You all have me excited about it!
You're doing GREAT, Sunee! Keep the updates coming!
so exciting...i'm proud of Adelaide and look forward to giving her a big hug soon. and your house! i love it! so great-
have i mentioned how excited i am about seeing you???!!
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