Monday, March 05, 2007

So ready!

About a week ago when people asked me if I was ready, I'd say "I guess so." Now I don't know what I was thinking! I'm so ready to have this baby. I still don't think I've got it so bad as some others do during their pregnancy. I'm still pretty much sleeping through the night. I've only got to get up a couple of times to pee and take heartburn medicine. I'm not too uncomfortable. I'm still getting around pretty dang well. I've been walking about 30 minutes to an hour every day. Just yesterday I surprised Rocky by hopping in the Bronco unaided. However, with each passing day I know little Adelaide's not quite so little and each ounce she gains is one more ounce that I'm gonna have to squeeze out (I know that sounds so gross).

Rocky and I are trying everything the professionals (and not so professionals) say works for inducing labor, but nothing is going on so far. I've been trying raspberry leaf tea and just today started these weird herbal drops my neighbor gave me. Rocky and I have been extra friendly with one another-- wink, wink. And the list goes on.

Our daughter has been packing quite a punch recently too. Alot of her recent movements were more like squishes and shifts but in the past week or so I've got some swift punches to the cervix. Yikes. I try and get her out with intimidation--"you come out here and I'm punch you back." One second thought this may be keeping her in.

The weirdest things going on are crampiness and um. . .now, I'm getting even more personal. . .poop. I have gone through these bouts of what feels sort of like menstral cramps (or what I assume cramps feel like since I've never really had to deal with them before). The other night Rocky and I went out to dinner and I couldn't even enjoy my amazing meal with all the pressure. OK, so I still enjoyed it a bit. Now, on to the poop. I'm normally not a regular kind of gal, but in the past week, I've been going 2, 3, 4, 5 times a day.

The doctor says both these things are normal. Sometimes contractions feel like cramps and often our bodies will prepare for labor by purging the system. That was exciting news. Other than that though there haven't been changes at all.

I'm really looking forward to meeting our little one now. It's so amazing that I have a person inside of me. I'm so interested to see what she looks like. What color eyes will she have? Will she have hair? Will she look asian at all? Will she have my nose? What will her personality be like? Will she be easy going right off the bat? It's so fun to speculate.

I know this is the longest post ever but so there's so much I'm thinking about. Hopefully my next post will be post labor and delivery!

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