Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2 in Louisiana, 1 near New Zealand

Rocky was in Australia just a few hours ago on his way to New Zealand. He should be landing sometime soon. It's a crazy trip-- over 30 hours!

Adelaide and I are in Louisiana. Laissez les bons temps rouler. Adelaide's warmed up to my family and having a good time. Tonight she was super hyper and running around tickling everyone AND she peed in the potty. This makes 2 times for pee and 1 for poo. Sometimes she's too excited to remember she needs to go but when things are quiet and she's being patient, we've had success. We are gonna really work on it next month. You may have noticed the new ticker at the bottom of the page. We're hoping to get her trained before that ticker reaches 0.

Our road trip went pretty amazingly smooth yesterday despite a 6 hour trip turning into 8. This was my first road trip along with a kiddo. Adelaide slept 3 hours and was on perfect behavior the rest of the time. I didn't even have to resort to the DVD player I had as back up. Awesome. I was expecting the worst.

1 comment:

Charis said...

Glad you had a good trip! I rented a signing video for Colt to watch, and we are just going to Marble Falls :) Hopefully we can hang out soon, when you get back!