Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I pray for her

I HAD to post this. I just put Adelaide down for bed and as I was holding her she leaned forward suddenly and headbutted me in the nose. It hurt and tears instantly filled my eyes. Rocky was in the room, and Adelaide went to him and immediately said, "we need to pray for her." Rocky asked her if she wanted to do it, and she said she did. She said, "Dear Jesus, I thank you for my mommy. I hurt her eye. Amen." She was off on the body part she had hurt, but it didn't matter. More tears filled my eyes as I thought about what a loving little girl I have.


B-ri said...

That is so much sweeter than when Josh headbutted me in the nose and made it bleed. He didn't even care and continued on with his tantrum. Man, girls are so nice. (Josh is usually very sweet too.) Hope you are all healed up!

cheryl said...

So precious! What a tender little heart.

The Wilcoxson's said...

that is awesome. Kids love to pray for everything. I know that in our house they like to pray and pray and pray. And every prayer has us praying for "doggies." Kids know how to touch that tender spot in their parent's heart. jacob headbutted me the other day and he hurt me but Joshua was the one that kissed it.