Thursday, March 27, 2008

One Year Check Up

This morning we brought Adelaide in for her one year well check. My mom and I walked there with her in the stroller and stopped for breakfast on the way back home. It sure is nice to have a mini downtown so close to us.

It's official. Adelaide no longer likes Dr. Spencer. Just entering his exam room made her frustrated. I guess she's been poked and prodded a little too much in there. It's so sad 'cause she used to love him. Now she just pushes him away and doesn't want him near her. She was actually kicking him when he looked in her throat. Granted she is getting in her molars and she has an extremely red throat, but still. He used to comment on how sweet and happy she was all the time, now she said seems like she's getting a little attitude. Hmm. She didn't do that at the ENT or our friend Art's exams, weird. She's taking it all out on Dr. Spencer.

She finally gained a little weight. She was up to 20 lbs on the dot which is the 35th percentile. She's now 30.5 inches tall, the 80th percentile, and her head as always is somewhat smaller, the 60th percentile. At her 9 month check up she was pretty proportionate, now she's a tall lanky little thing. He said it will probably be hard for her to catch up on her weight now since after one year, kid's appetites diminish. Oh well, what can I do? Keep offering her as much milk as she wants (and I guess as much brisket as she wants too-- see previous post). :)

Adelaide has a cold now. The same junk as Rocky has and has passed along to both of us. We're all coughing, mucous-filled, snotty folks. I'm hoping she'll actually be able to kick it without antibiotics this time. Rocky hasn't been that lucky; he started antibiotics on Tuesday.

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