Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Words and Favorites

Before I say anything else: yes, I am posting a ton but I'm pretty much confined to my room while Adelaide naps so consider yourself well informed.

Well, I feel like I'm always saying this but Adelaide's vocabulary is growing daily. I'm so amazed. I'm sure I'll leave off things but here's some of the new things that I remember her saying over the past month.

dog, ball, hi, bye, eye, mama, dada are some of the old words she's been saying (I don't know how many times I hear "ball" spoken in a day). Below are some of her new words:
uh-oh: her new favorite thing to say especially when she drops something on purpose :)
milk: pronounced "mil" along with the sign.
what's that?: this is her first sentence. i guess she's been saying it for nearly a month now.
yes: usually done while nodding.
no: usually she'll do the sign for no also. She repeats it over and over when I tell her no sometimes.
wawa: water. can mean either milk or water at times. i think she likes the word better than milk because it's easier.
thank you: she can't really say this but will sign it now. usually when she gets something or does something she really likes. yesterday she said thank you when we got in the pool.
get down: this is her second phrase. she says this alot. she has exchanged this for "all done" alot of the time.
more: she kinda leaves off the "re" part of the word but it's quite distinct.
She's been repeating up a storm. Recent repeats are "tuk tuk" (a Thai 3 wheeled motorcycle taxi) and "fan."

It's pretty funny that I can understand alot of her needs/ desires these days and that even other random people are starting to understand her too. It's weird understanding her because sometimes if I don't respond she'll just keep repeating herself over and over and over. I find myself saying often, "Adelaide, I understand what you are saying but you cannot _____."

Her new favorite things to do are:
climb onto things, anything really-- chairs, beds, strollers, boxes, suitcases, people, whatever.
put lids and caps on and off things. she's actually got the twisting technique down now.
put things "back" where they go (a habit adopted from her neat freak parents I'm sure)
singing "if you're happy and you know it." she claps and stomps her feet.
"talk" on the phone
"read" books to me. This is super cute. She will turn the pages and point to things. She sounds alot like the teacher from Charlie Brown (is that what I sound like to her?)

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