Thursday, February 26, 2009

Potty Training Update

Since my last post, we've continued to work on potty training. I don't know what it was but something clicked in Adelaide and she really wants to use the potty all the time. Sometimes she says she has to go and doesn't do anything or just "beeps" as she calls it. Some days she is definitely more interested than others, but she so far has 19 stickers on her potty chart. That's over the course of a week. Considering we didn't stop life and stay at home all day and considering we may have forgotten some stickers like for when we were away from home, I'm super excited.

Yesterday she peed 4 times on the potty total-- 2 times when we were out and about-- and woke up from her nap clean and dry. When she woke up she said she had to go to the potty so I ran upstairs. She had already taken her training pants off so I thought she'd already done it, but felt around and everything felt dry. I rushed her into the bathroom and as soon as she sat down she peed alot. Awesome.

So far today she has peed in the potty 3 times and pooped once and has remained clean and dry so far. She is in bed now so we'll see if she can once again make it through a nap without an accident. I've been hoping she'd be potty trained before her brother comes and hopefully she'll be good at it by his May 19 due date. If things keep progressing like they have been, I think he won't have to share his cloth diapers with her which would save alot of money not to mention alot of headache.

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