Saturday, February 16, 2008

She's a Walkin'

Tonight we were at a friend's house for dinner, and Adelaide decided she'd walk for the first time. She was holding on to a dining room chair and walked about 4 or 5 feet to a walking toy she'd been playing with. Then as we were getting her ready for bed she walked from the bedroom door to a basket of toys about 5 feet away again. When we got her out of bed  minutes later after we found her covered in vomit (poor girl's still sick-- she chokes on mucous) and cleaned her up, she was walking all over the place downstairs. She went from couch to couch, from person to person. I'm a proud momma. We'd love your prayers by the way that she would get completely better soon. I'm currently trying her off dairy to see if that helps get rid of some of her snottiness. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rocky, now that she is walking, the guys are gonna come knocking...time to buy that gun or you could answer the door with your shirt off...the intimidation factor!