Saturday, October 06, 2007

Adelaide's hardest days

The past 28 hours have been the absolute hardest of Adelaide's life thus far (maybe besides the whole being born thing). She's been miserable. She's got the snottest nose you've ever seen. The tooth that we've been so frustrated with for the past 2 weeks is finally breaking through. I'm not sure if that's it or if there's more.

Whatever's going on, the combination is not a good one. Adelaide cried for 3 hours yesterday! 2 hours before nap one. I tried everything I could think of to get her to calm down-- her crib, rocking, the swing, waiting a little while, walking around, trying to feed her again, suctioning the snot, tylenol, teething tablets-- and nothing worked. Finally she fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion in the swing after being up for 4 hours. She did sleep almost 2 hours so that was good for her. The day didn't get much easier after that though. Before her second nap, she cried and cried again. This time for an hour. Once again tried all the same things to comfort her to no avail. This time when she fell asleep, she only slept 45 minutes though.

Rocky watched Adelaide last night so I could go to the movies with my friends Cami and Erin. Erin's due today with her second kiddo so this was like one last hurrah for her. Hopefully. She was like me with her first, 2 weeks past her due date. I fully expected that Rocky would have a crazy hard time with Adelaide but he said things went pretty smoothly. She only cried 20 minutes before falling asleep in her crib. She woke up once for a few minutes and Rocky went in to rub her back and it worked. She went right back to sleep for him. She'll never do that for me. Maybe it's cause I'm a walking milk machine.

Then at 2:30 am, what a lovely hour, Adelaide woke up screaming bloody murder. It was horrible. I went up promptly and picked her up. This just made her cry harder. I haven't been feeding her in the middle of the night for awhile now but I broke my own rule to settle her down. She did nurse on both sides but as soon as she was done she screamed again. This went on for 2 hours. Once again we tried everything. Even though she was utterly exhausted, her sleep was short lived.

She woke up at nearly 7 am, which is early for her, screaming once more. She screamed for pretty much the whole time she was awake and then went back to sleep at 8 in the swing in our room. Rocky and I took the opportunity to go back to sleep ourselves. We were absolutely exhausted as well. She woke up again at 10 am, not bad, and was not nearly as upset. Now I just had another 45 minute cry fest for her to go down for her next nap. The kid's all thrown off and tired and not feeling well. Poor girl. She's never been so upset before. If this is still going on on Monday, I may bring her to the doc to make sure there isn't something I'm missing. I really hate how much of parenting is a guessing game, all of it.

I don't know if it's acceptable to solicit prayer on blogger, but i'm gonna do it anyway. Please pray my little girl will feel back to her sweet self very soon. It seems as if it's always hardest when Rocky's the busiest. He worked late a few nights this past week and is working for a few hours today too. I've been feeling pretty worn down with the emotional and physical work it takes to care for a sick kiddo. Thanks for reading my lamentations and caring for us. Oh dang. I hear her. She's waking up for a whopping 20 minute nap :(.


Unknown said...


I don't know when you'll actually get to read this, but hang in there. I have no answers or explanations, but I will pray for you. I don't think there is anything wrong with soliciting prayer on your blog. Aren't those supposed to be online journals anyway. Thanks for returning my call in the midst of such hecticness.

Charis said...

Poor Adelaide and poor Sunee. I'll be praying for her tooth to break through soon - maybe that'll help a bit! Hope things are looking better today. You went to watch a movie - what are those? It's been too long. :(