Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ears, Nose, and Teeth-- Oh My!

I'm one of those moms that's paranoid about being paranoid. I don't want to bring my kid to the doctor only to have them say, "oh, it's just a cold; just wait it out" or "I don't see anything wrong." I'd rather not bring her than get labeled paranoid. However today after seeking advice from Rocky and a friend, I decided to bring Adelaide in to get this cold checked out. The thing that made me finally admit it was time to make the visit was when I saw Adelaide tugging on her right ear yesterday.

My doc was booked today but a doc that a few friends of mine use was available so I took her there. Adelaide was perfectly happy the whole time we were there and the doc said she seems she's got a great personality (especially for being sick). Well, good news, the congestion is only in her head. Her lungs were clear. Bad news-- Adelaide has a slight ear infection. She said it is just the start of an infection so we caught it just in time. She prescribed amoxicillin, alot of it. 4ml 2x a day. 4ml seems like a ton to me. Everything else she takes like tylenol is so small in comparison. Hopefully the antibotics will have her feeling better very soon.

We've got to keep up the saline drops, aspirating, humidifier, and probably tylenol. We've really go to have a night time routine now just to keep everything straight.

Funny things about the visit--
The doc said her daughter used to have hair just like Adelaide's. Poor girl!
Remember the paper towel incident, well, that's pretty much what Adelaide did with the paper on the table when the doctor set her there.
Adelaide weighs a whopping 17 lb. 12 oz. now. What a chunk!


Charis said...

When colt had his ear infection at 9 weeks, he was on amoxicillan 3ml Bid. They also told us to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in his ear to help kill the infection (just enough peroxide that it starts to bubble), let it sit in there for a while, then turn them over to pour it out and wipe the ear clean with a baby q-tip or cloth. Hopefully she'll get over it quickly!! Glad she's being tough.

Rocky and Sunee said...

Charis. I didn't know Colt had an ear infection at 9 weeks! That's rough. Sorry to hear that. I didn't know about the perioxide idea. I might have to do that.